Windows 7 Sdk Samples Download

  1. Microsoft Windows 7 Sdk
  2. Windows 7 Sdk 64-bit

I don't know why but I have tried 3 times and cannot install Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and.NET Framework 4 I have tried. The 3rd time I looked at the log and it says this: '8:14:14 PM.

  • May 19, 2010  Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (32-bit x86), Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard x64 Edition, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 3 Platform architecture: Install this SDK on and/or create applications for platform chipsets X86, X64, and Itanium.
  • The Windows SDK Configuration Tool must be run for each user on Windows Vista or later. You can build Win32 applications out-of-the-box with the Vista SDK components that are embedded in Visual Studio 2008. You can switch to the more recent components that ship with the Windows SDK for Windows 7 by using the Windows SDK Configuration Tool.

This section describes the individual Shell samples included in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) and, in most cases, downloadable from the MSDN Code Gallery.

Windows SDK Locations

When you download and install the Windows 7 SDK, samples are included in that installation. Use of the default SDK installation path results in the samples being placed under C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Samples. Using the default installation path, the Shell samples listed below are found in the following folders:

  • C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0SamplesWinUIShellAppPlatform
  • C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0SamplesWinUIShellAppShellIntegration
  • C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0SamplesWinUIShellLegacySamples
  • C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0SamplesWinUIShellShellExtensibility
Windows 7 sdk 64-bit

MSDN Code Gallery Locations

Shell samples can also be individually downloaded through the MSDN Code Gallery. Most Shell samples listed below can be found on the following pages:

Shell Samples

Aero Wizards SampleDemonstrates how to migrate Wizard 97 software to the Aero Wizard.
Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) Window Property SampleDemonstrates how to control the taskbar grouping behavior of an application's windows through the System.AppUserModel.ID property.
Automatic Jump List SampleDemonstrates how to add items to the automatic Jump List for an application, including switching between the display of the Frequent and Recent categories.
Change Notify Watcher SampleDemonstrates how to listen to Shell change notifications on a folder or item in the Windows Explorer namespace.
Common File Dialog Modes SampleDemonstrates how to use the Common File Dialog in different modes to pick files, containers (folders) or both files and folders (basket mode) without dismissing the dialog.
Common File Dialog SampleDemonstrates how to create a custom file open/save dialog by using different Common File Dialog APIs.
CreateProcess Verb SampleDemonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the CreateProcess method.
Custom Jump List SampleDemonstrates how to create a custom Jump List for an application, including adding a custom category and tasks.
Drag-and-Drop Visuals SampleDemonstrates how to use the Shell drag-and-drop services to get the presentation features that Shell drag-and-drop supports for both targets and sources.
DropTarget Verb SampleDemonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the DropTarget method.
Execute Command Verb SampleDemonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the ExecuteCommand method.
Execute In Explorer SampleDemonstrates how to call the ShellExecute function from the Windows Explorer process.
Explorer Browser Custom Contents SampleDemonstrates how to implement a custom Explorer Browser contol for your application.
Explorer Browser Search SampleDemonstrates how to use the Windows Explorer Browser control to embed Windows Explorer in an application and how to implement search functionality with an in-memory search folder.
Explorer Command Verb SampleDemonstrates how to implement a Shell verb using the ExplorerCommand and ExplorerCommandState methods.
Explorer Data Provider SampleDemonstrates how to implement a Shell namespace extension, including context menu behavior and custom tasks in the browser.
File Is In Use SampleDemonstrates how to customize the File In Use dialog to display additional information and options for files that are currently opened in the application.
File Operation Progress SinkDemonstrates how to use the IFileOperationProgressSink interface methods for monitoring the details of IFileOperation interface actions.
File Operations SampleDemonstrates how to copy, move, delete, and rename file system objects.
HomeGroup SampleDemonstrates how to determine HomeGroup membership status, enumerate top-level items in the HomeGroup Shell folder, and launch the HomeGroup Sharing Wizard.
Known Folders SampleDemonstrates how to define, register, enumerate and find the path for all known folders on the current system.
NameSpace Tree Control SampleDemonstrates how to implement a custom namespace tree control for an application.
NonDefaultDropMenuVerb SampleDemonstrates how to extend the drag-and-drop shortcut menu (sometimes referred to as a context menu).
NotificationIcon SampleDemonstrates how to use the Shell_NotifyIcon and Shell_NotifyIconGetRect APIs to display a notification icon.
Parsing With Parameters SampleDemonstrates how to take advantage of Shell helpers that use the parsing name to interact with items through the Shell programming model.
Player Verb SampleDemonstrates how to create a verb that operates on Shell items and containers which plays items or adds items to a queue.
Playlist Creator SampleDemonstrates how to create a verb that operates on a selected Shell item or container to create a playlist.
Recipe Preview Handler SampleDemonstrates how to write a handler used to display a file preview inside the Windows Explorer preview pane or other preview handler hosts.
Recipe Thumbnail Provider SampleDemonstrates how to create a thumbnail handler by file type and extends Windows Explorer.
Search Folder SampleDemonstrates how to create a search with query constraints using the Shell programming model.
Shell Library Backup SampleDemonstrates how to enumerate libraries as containers.
Shell Library Command Line SampleDemonstrates how to use the IShellLibrary interface to create a command-line application that provides programmatic access for inspecting and manipulating libraries and library files.
Shell Storage SampleDemonstrates how to create files and folders in Shell containers. Also shows how to save to the Shell item that is returned from the file dialog.
Sync and Share VerbsDemonstrates how to register a verb that extends the 'Sync' and 'Share' verbs in the Windows Explorer Command Bar.
TabThumbnails SampleDemonstrates how an application can expose multiple switch targets (as for tabs) on a taskband and how to provide their thumbnails.
Taskbar Peripheral Status SampleDemonstrates taskbar icon overlays and progress bars.
Taskbar Thumbnail Toolbar SampleDemonstrates a thumbnail toolbar, an active toolbar control embedded in a window's thumbnail preview, used to provide access to a window's key commands without making the user restore or activate the application's window.
Using Image Factory SampleDemonstrates how to use the IShellItemImageFactory interface to get the best possible image for an item.
Using Thumbnail Providers SampleDemonstrates how to use the IThumbnailProvider interface to extract the thumbnail for an item from the Windows thumbnail cache system.

Windows 7 SDK Sample Applications#Samples in the Windows SDKThis page provides information on working with the samples that are included in the Windows SDK. For known issues with individual samples, please refer to the Release Notes included with the SDK or the updated version which is posted online.The Windows SDK samples cover numerous technology areas. The SDK includes samples that use managed code and those that primarily use native code, to provide working examples of code for developers at all levels to experiment with and learn from.NET Framework (managed code) SamplesThe .NET Framework 4 samples do not ship with the Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4. They can be downloaded from Code Gallery.Win32 (native code) SamplesThe Windows samples demonstrate Windows operating system features primarily using native code. These unmanaged Win32 samples are not included in the documentation. They are installed as loose files under the default samples location C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Samples. This content can be deselected during SDK setup. A few samples with some managed code (PowerShell, Tablet PC, and a few others) install with the Win32 samples.The Win32 samples directory layout for the Windows SDK is:BeginComDataAccessMultimediaNetDSSecuritySysMgmtTabletPCTouchWebWinBaseWinUIXPS#Building SamplesBuilding Samples Using Visual Studio 2010 or Windows SDK v7.1 (MSBuild 4.0)Visual Studio 2010 and the Windows SDK v7.1 use the MSBuild 4.0 build environment. The Visual C++ compilers shipped in the Windows SDK v7.1 are the same compilers that shipped in Visual Studio 2010. All Win32 (native) sample project files in the Windows SDK v7.1 must be upgraded prior to building using the MSBuild 4.0 environment.

Moving From the VCBuild to the MSBuild 4.0 EnvironmentVisual C++ 2010 moved to newer build system (MSBuild v4.0) to provide better performance, scalability and extensibility. In order for the build system migration to happen the project file format in Visual C++ 2010 had to change to a different format in order to be compatible with the new MSBuild v4.0 file format (earlier versions of Visual C++ have used VCBuild as their build system). The extension of the new Visual C++ 2010 project file has been changed from “.vcproj” to “.vcxproj”. Project files with the “.vcproj” extension can be upgraded using the vcupgrade tool (included in this release of the SDK). For more information on how to upgrade a project file.

Setting Build Environment SwitchesTo set specific targets in the build environment:· Launch the Windows SDK build environment - From the Start menu, click on All Programs > Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 > Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt· Set the build environment - At the prompt, type: setenv [/Debug /Release][/x86 /x64 /ia64 ][/vista /xp /2003 /win7][-h /?]The setenv.cmd help [-h /?] displays the usage/Debug - Create a Debug configuration build environment/Release - Create a Release configuration build environment/x86 - Create 32-bit x86 applications/x64 - Create 64-bit x64 applications/ia64 - Create 64-bit ia64 applications/vista - Create Windows Vista SP1 applications or Windows Server 2008/xp - Create Windows XP applications/2003 - Create Windows Server 2003 applications/win7 - Create Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 applications

#Upgrading Projects to Visual C++ 2010The Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 installs the vcupgrade.exe tool which will convert the previous project file format to the MSBuild compatible project file format. In this process the extension of the project file (.vcproj) will change to .vcxproj. To upgrade a Visual C++ 2005 or a Visual C++ 2008 (ex: sample.vcproj) file to VC 2010 (sample.vcxproj) file format in the SDK build environment, at the command prompt type: “vcupgrade sample.vcproj”.Usage:VCUpgrade [options] Options:-nologo Suppresses the copyright message-nocolor Do not output error and warning messages in color-overwrite Overwrite existing files-PersistFramework Keep the Target Framework Version while upgrading. (-p)The vcupgrade tool can upgrade any project version from VC6 through VC 2008 to the VC 2010 format, and returns a success message if the conversion succeeded. If unsuccessful, a message listing conversion errors is returned.

Microsoft Windows 7 Sdk

VB, C# Applications Using MSBuild 4The .NET Framework 4 installs the C# (csc.exe) and Visual Basic (vbc.exe) compilers and the respective property and target files as required by MSBuild 4.0. The Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 build environment will support building using MSBuild 4.0 while targeting C# and Visual Basic applications.To Use the C# (csc.exe) and Visual Basic (vbc.exe) compiler directly to compile a single file for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010:· From a command line type:o Csc.exe *.cs (for CSharp)o vbc.exe *.vb (for Visual Basic)Using MSBuild 4.0 to build a project or solution file:· From an SDK command line type:o Msbuild *.csproj (for CSharp)o Msbuild *.vbproj (for Visual Basic)o Msbuild *.sln (for a Solution file)

#Updating Visual Studio to Use the Windows SDK v7.1 ComponentsIf you are using Visual Studio 2005, 2008, or 2010 and would like to utilize the Windows SDK v7.1 components, you can use an automated tool (include with the SDK) to point to the Windows SDK v7.1 components (Windows headers and libraries, tools, reference assemblies). See below for How To:How To: Using the Windows SDK Configuration Tool (GUI) With Visual Studio 2005/2008Visual Studio 2005/2008 users can run the Windows SDK Configuration Tool (GUI) to utilize the Windows SDK v7.1 components. The functionality of the Windows SDK Configuration Tool has not changed from that which was released in the Windows 7 RTM SDK.

Windows 7 Sdk 64-bit

#How To: Using the Windows SDK Configuration Tool (Command Line) With Visual Studio 2008Visual Studio 2008 users can run the Windows SDK Configuration Tool (Command Line) to utilize the Windows SDK v7.1 components. The functionality of the Windows SDK Configuration Tool has not changed from that which was released in the Windows 7 RTM SDK.NOTE: This is not a supported scenario with Visual Studio 2005.

How To: Using the Platform Toolset With Visual Studio 2010Visual Studio 2010 users can make use of the new Native Multitargeting functionality of the Platform Toolset to target the Windows SDK v7.1 components.

  1. Select Configuration Properties, General from the list in the left pane

#Upgrading Projects to Visual C++ 2010The Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 installs the vcupgrade.exe tool which will convert the previous project file format to the MSBuild compatible project file format. In this process the extension of the project file (.vcproj) will change to .vcxproj. To upgrade a Visual C++ 2005 or a Visual C++ 2008 (ex: sample.vcproj) file to VC 2010 (sample.vcxproj) file format in the SDK build environment, at the command prompt type: “vcupgrade sample.vcproj”.

Usage:VCUpgrade [options]

Microsoft windows 7 sdk

Options:-nologo Suppresses the copyright message-nocolor Do not output error and warning messages in color-overwrite Overwrite existing files-PersistFramework Keep the Target Framework Version while upgrading. (-p)

The vcupgrade tool can upgrade any project version from VC6 through VC 2008 to the VC 2010 format, and returns a success message if the conversion succeeded. If unsuccessful, a message listing conversion errors is returned.Building with the Windows 7 headers, libraries, and toolsIn order to utilize Windows SDK headers, libraries, and tools from within the Windows SDK command line build environment or from within Visual Studio 2005/2008 build environments, the SDK-provided Windows SDK Configuration Tool must be run. The Windows SDK Configuration Tool must be run for each user on Windows Vista or later.You can build Win32 applications out-of-the-box with the Vista SDK components that are embedded in Visual Studio 2008. You can switch to the more recent components that ship with the Windows SDK for Windows 7 by using the Windows SDK Configuration Tool.To run the Windows SDK Configuration Tool, go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0 > Visual Studio Registration > Windows SDK Configuration Tool.Upgrading C++ Sample Project Files for Visual Studio 2008 or the VC++ 9.0 CompilersTo build samples in either the SDK command line build environment or in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, some samples project files must be upgraded. This step is not necessary when building in Visual Studio 2005. This is because some samples in the SDK ship with native Visual Studio 2005 project files that must be upgraded to work with the compilation system shipped in the Windows SDK, which is the same version as shipped in Visual Studio 2008 SP1.To upgrade the project in the current directory, type vcbuild /upgrade or devenv /upgrade in the SDK Build environment.Microsoft .NET Framework sample project files cannot be upgraded using the workaround above. The files must be upgraded using vcbuild /upgrade /overrideRefVer SampleName.vcproj. Visual Studio must be installed in order for this command to work. The upgrade /overriderefver switch indicates that it will use the .NET Framework.ATL/MFC DependencySome samples require ATL and/or MFC headers, libraries, or runtime, which are included with Visual C++ (non-Express editions).How to: Build from the Windows SDK Command LineThis guide demonstrates how to build a sample or application from the Windows SDK command line.

· Build a makefile by typing nmake· Build a .csproj file by typing msbuild *.csproj /p:platform=[ win32 X64 IA64]· Build a .vbproj file by typing msbuild *.vbproj /p:platform=[ win32 X64 IA64]· Build a .sln file by typing msbuild *.sln /p:platform=[ win32 X64 IA64]· Build a .vcxproj by typing vcbuild *.vcxproj /platform=[ win32 X64 IA64 ]When building with msbuild, you should specify a target platform. If a project is configured to build for several different platform types and you do not specify which platform you want to build for, the first platform listed in the solution or project file will be built. Configurations are listed in alphabetical order by Visual Studio, so 'Itanium' might be the first configuration listed.If you want to build an application configured for an X86 machine, specify 'win32':msbuild mysample.vbproj /p:platform=win32If you want to build an application configured for an X64 machine, specify 'X64':msbuild mysample.vbproj /p:platform=X64If you want to build an X64 application, but your project does not have an X64 configuration, see How to: Add 64-Bit Support to VC Project Files.#How to: Set Build Environment SwitchesTo set the Windows 7 SDK command line build environment, use the setenv.cmd tool within a debug cmd shell by following the steps below.

The list of available targets is shown below.Usage: 'Setenv [/Debug /Release][/x86 /x64 /ia64][/vista /xp /2003 / 2008 /win7 ] [-h or /?]'/Debug - Create a Debug configuration build environment/Release - Create a Release configuration build environment/x86 - Create 32-bit x86 applications/x64 - Create 64-bit x64 applications/ia64 - Create 64-bit IA64 applications/vista - Windows Vista applications/xp - Create Windows XP SP2 applications/2003 - Create Windows Server 2003 applications/2008 - Create Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista SP1 applications/win7 - Create Windows 7 applications#How to: Use the DirectX SDK when Visual Studio 2008 is installedIn order to utilize DirectX SDK resources when using MSBuild in the Windows SDK build environment, you should ensure that the DirectX SDK include, library, and executables directories are set correctly in Visual Studio 2008. The order in which Visual Studio 2008 looks for executable directories and library files is important. The Windows SDK directories should appear above the DirectX SDK directories.

#How to: Add 64-Bit Support to VC Project FilesNot all samples in the Windows SDK have project files configured out-of-the-box for 64-bit support, but you can quickly and easily configure those samples to target 64-bit platforms. This guide shows how to accomplish this development by using the project configurations available in the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE).To develop 64-bit applications, you must install one or both of the Visual C++ 64-bit compilers. Without these compilers on your development machine, 64-bit project configurations will not be available in the Visual Studio IDE. For more information, see Installing Visual Studio 64-bit Components on MSDN.First, this guide describes how to change the active project configuration to target 64-bit platforms using the Visual Studio IDE. Next, the guide describes how to migrate Win32® project settings into a 64-bit project configuration.To set up C++ applications to target 64-bit platforms

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To copy Win32 project settings into a 64-bit project configuration· When the New Solution Platform dialog box is open while you set up your project to target a 64-bit platform, click the Copy settings from the drop-down arrow, and then select Win32. The project settings listed below are automatically updated on the project level:· /MACHINE (Specify Target Platform) is set to /MACHINE:IA64 or /MACHINE:X64.· Register Output is turned OFF. For more information, see Linker Property Pages.· Target Environment is set to /env x64 or /env ia64. For more information, see MIDL Property Pages: General.· Validate Parameters is cleared and reset to the default value. For more information, see MIDL Property Pages: Advanced.· If Debug Information Format was set to /ZI in the Win32 project configuration, it is set to /Zi in the 64-bit project configuration. For more information, see /Z7, /Zi, /ZI (Debug Information Format).· Values of WIN32 are replaced by WIN64 for /D (Preprocessor Definitions).Note: none of these project properties are changed if they are overridden at the file level.Additional Troubleshooting##For issues not covered here, refer to the Windows SDK for Windows 7 Release Notes.